If you are looking to get a FFL, please see:
How to get a FFL (without paying for the forms)
(Nothing currently listed)Firearms for sale:
Nothing Currently
Name: KS
Location: Simi Valley, CA
Phone: 805-285-FFL2
Email: webffl14@net-ffl.com
Note: the email address used will change without notice due to spammers
WWW: http://www.net-ffl.com/
Below is a brief summary of the transfer process,just so you get an idea of what has to be done.Sometimes things are a bit different,so feel free to ask if you have a different situation.
NOTE: Marijuana is illegal under Federal law.Per the BATF if you have a Medical Marijuana card or you use marijuana,you are not able to transfer a firearm.Please do not have any firearms shipped for transfer as the transfer can notbe completed.
Any handgun must be on the CA DOJ certified list,with the exception of some firearms such as certain single action revolvers andprivate party transfers.Semi-auto longguns must be legal for CA and not considered a so-called "assualtweapon".See the CA DOJ web page for more specifics.
Note: If your CA ID/DL has "Federal Limits Apply" on the front of it, additional requirements apply due to recent CA DOJ changes. Please ask if you are not aware of the additional requirements.Note: Due to issues with sales tax, I will not transfer any firearms from "penny auction" sites. The CA BOE says that sales tax is due based on the total the company receives for the auction (cost of all bids + the sale price + shipping), which is impossible to accurately calculate since the companies will not say how much money they received. This means that the only option is to use the highest cost for a bid.This assumes you know where you want to get the firearm from:
- PLEASE NOTE:I send my FFL as password protected PDF,which the password is known information for the other FFL.This is done to prevent my FFL from being given out and provides a means for tracking where a person got my ffl from.Adobe provides a free PDF reader.Some Microsoft PDF readers are broken and are not able to open a password protected PDF.So please ensure that the FFL seller can open such a file.
- Handgun: HSC (Handgun Safety Certificate) or FSC for all firearms as of 01-Jan-2015
- Handgun: Proof of residency (Vehicle registration, utility bill, etc.)
- Government document Proof of residency if your ID does not have your current residence address (Vehicle registration, etc.)
- CA ID or Driver's License (the photo ID has to be valid, a paper copy is not acceptable)
- Payment of fees required, cash or check
- Safety Demonstration must be performed for all firearms effective 01-Jan-2015
- Certified Lock and a Copy of the receipt within 30 days or Affidavit Stating Ownership ofan Acceptable Gun Safe or Lock Box. Federal law requires handguns be transferred with a lock.
- Letter stating that the firearm is from a private party,that it is an occasional sale and the seller does not have a business,if applicable (so that sales tax is not collected on the price of thefirearm). This ONLY applies to purchases from within CA or if the firearm is a C&R handgun and you have a C&R FFL.It is best to have this letter before starting the paperwork.
Please realize that I am providing this service as a service to the communitysince 1993and it is not a full-time profession.This means that I am not always available and sometimes my schedule will demanda change in when you can start the paperwork and/or pick up the firearm.I also have acustomer agreement (please click on and read)which needs to be signed,for my protection and to ensure a clear understanding of the fees.If this is not acceptable then I would strongly suggest that you use theservices of another FFL.
Prices Effective as of 01-Jan-2022 (subject to change):
- Base Cost/In person transfers per firearm:
- Cost + FFL Fee + DROS + CA Sales Tax (7.25% effective 01-Jan-2017,applies to FFL fee and perhaps firearm, see below).FYI: CA limits the fee for private party transfers to $10 andis defined as a transfer in which both parties show up at theFFL and fill out the required paperwork.The FFL fee is not a state fee.
FFL Fee:
- $10 FFL Private Party Transfer Fee per firearm (no discount available)
$60 ($40 w/discount) FFL non-Private Party Transfer Fee for first firearm,
- $50 ($30 w/discount) for each additional firearm processed at the same time,some limitations apply to handgun transfers
Buyer may be required to provide a dummy round or emptybrass for the firearm safety demonstration.
- $20 discount per firearm with proof of membership in a firearmsrights organization, such as the NRA, GOA, etc.(see links for some of the acceptable organizations),except for private party transfers.This discount is given at my sole discression and may not be given or cancelled at any time and for any reason.It does not apply to firearms left over 30 days without prior agreement.NOTE: Effective immediately the CRPA isNOTconsidered an acceptable organization for the discount due to what I consider serious issues with the organization.Please see:My issues with CRPA
"dirty gun" fee:
- $20 minimum fee to deal with firearms which need special handling procedures, such as cosmoline coated firearms.
- $25 in addition to the Transfer cost only if you know exactlywhat you want and where to get it from (with limited exceptionsbased on the catalogs that I have). 100% prepaid in advance.No refunds after the order has been placed (very limitedexceptions). Other orders by special arrangement.
- All business is done by appointment. If you are late for anappointment by over 15 minutes, there will be a charge of $60/hour with a minimumcharge of $15.
Sales tax:
- Sales Tax must be collected on the FFL fee if the firearm issubject to sales tax.Sales Tax must be collected on the price of the firearm (including shipping) if purchased from a business, regardless of whether the otherbusiness in in CA or not(see web page for CA BOE information) and does not apply ifpurchased from a CA private party if it is an occasional sale(need letter stating this).See:
- $25 ($19 + $1 + $5) for any numer of firearms transferred at the same time.
- In order to transfer a firearm, you need to either have a safe whichmeets the requirements of CA or you need to purchase acertified gun lock within 30 days of the transfer. Also, forthe safe handling demonstration for handguns, you will need toprovide a snapcap/dummy round (I have some calibers, but notall). Federal law requires a lock for handguns.
- For handgun purchases you need to have a HSC certificate, whichis not the Hunter Safety Certificate, but the Handgun SafetyCertificate. Effective 01-Jan-2015, you will need a FSC (Firearm safety certificate) for any firearm. The HSC will still be valid for handguns until it expires.
- $10/day, per item, for each item left for 30 days or more, charged from the first day. There is no storage charge for items picked up in under 30 days. Other storage by prior arrangement.Any firearm left for over 45 days (total) will be considered abandoned and will become the FFL's property. This and any storage charge may be waived by advance agreement or under unusual circumstances with independent verification. The reason for this is to strongly encourage the prompt pickup of all items.
NRA Certified Instructor
A person not licensed under the Gun Control Act of 1968 (GCA), and notprohibited from acquiring firearms, may purchase a firearm from anout-of-State source and obtain the firearm, in-state, if an arrangement ismade with a Federal firearms licensee in the purchaser's State of residence.A firearm may be transferred to the in-state licensee, who then completes thetransfer to the unlicensed person, also completing the ATF Form 4473 andFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) national Instant Criminal BackgroundCheck System (NICS) requirements.Section 27 CFR 478.94 requires licensees to verify the identity and licensedstatus prior to transferring a firearm to a person who states they arelicensed to receive it. "Verification shall be established by thetransferee furnishing to the transferor a certified copy of the transferee'slicense and by such other means as the transferor deems necessary..."
Thissection does not apply to transfers between a licensee and an unlicensedperson.- 478.94 Sales or deliveries between licensees.
A licensed importer, licensed manufacturer, or licensed dealer selling orotherwise disposing of firearms, and a licensed collector selling orotherwise disposing of curios or relics, to another licensee shall verify theidentity and licensed status of the transferee prior to making thetransaction. Verification shall be established by the transferee furnishingto the transferor a certified copy of the transferee's license and by suchother means as the transferor deems necessary: Provided, That it shall not berequired (a) for a transferee who has furnished a certified copy of itslicense to a transferor to again furnish such certified copy to thattransferor during the term of the transferee's current license, (b) for alicensee to furnish a certified copy of its license to another licensee if afirearm is being returned either directly or through another licensee to suchlicensee and (c) for licensees of multilicensed business organizations tofurnish certified copies of their licenses to other licensed locationsoperated by such organization: Provided further, That a multilicensedbusiness organization may furnish to a transferor, in lieu of a certifiedcopy of each license, a list, certified to be true, correct and complete,containing the name, address, license number, and the date of licenseexpiration of each licensed location operated by such organization, and thetransferor may sell or otherwise dispose of firearms as provided by thissection to any licensee appearing on such list without requiring a certifiedcopy of a license therefrom. A transferor licensee who has the certifiedinformation required by this section may sell or dispose of firearms to alicensee for not more than 45 days following the expiration date of thetransferee's license.
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